Stability is essentially the tendency of something to get back to its original state even after being disturbed.
A system may be able to tolerate certain amounts of disturbance but may not be able to tolerate a very large disturbance. For example on the figure above, the stable point (also called the attractor) for the ball is the bottom of the valley. So far it is disturbed within the the two lines the ball will eventually revert back to the attractor however, if disturbed beyond the two lines it will not return back to the attractor. The region between the lines is called the basin of attraction for the attractor. In general there may be several basins of attractions and several attractors in a system.
How large a disturbance should an attractor be able to tolerate in order to be considered stable? This is where engineering and mathematics move apart. In mathematics, an attractor is stable if there it a basin of attraction even if the very very small one. In other words even there is a small neighborhood of stability the attractor is considered stable. The reason is in a subject as pure as mathematics, without any reference for comparison with some physical system, how can you define what is small? In engineering however, every system has a tolerance and the system is considered stable if it is stable within the specified tolerance requirements. In this problem we shall only consider the mathematical definition.
Let us start by understanding the nature of the circular orbit. Suppose that the velocity of particle is vo and it moves along a circular then its centripetal acceleration (centripetal force when view from the particle) must be equal to the acceleration induced by the force acting on it. In other words if the radius of the circle is ro and vo can be related as,
The first thing to understand in this problem is that since the force is always acting perpendicular to the particle's velocity vector, it will never change the particle's magnitude of velocity vo (tangential component of velocity) but only influence its direction of motion ie. induce a rotation in the velocity vector
The velocity vector (v,
Hence we have,
This clearly shows the inability of the force to change the magnitude of velocity of the particle.
This is in principle not very different from a case where you tie a stone to a string and rotate it at constant speed. Here the tension in the string is the force acting on the stone and it always acts perpendicular to the velocity vector and so it never changes its speed but only changes its direction of motion.
Now let us see what happens if the particle is disturbed from its stable path. What are the kinds of disturbances that can occur? The disturbances can occur in the position vector (ro,
First let us see the effect of a sudden change in velocity of the particle from vo to
For stability we have to show that for small perturbations
Now let us consider the particle's motion in polar coordinates and suppose that the particle's coordinates at some instant are (r,
Equations (5) and (7) can now be rewritten in terms of disturbances as,
Equations (8) and (9) now can be used to determine the stability of the circular orbit. The question to be asked is given (8) and (9) given an initial disturbance will the particle shoot off of the orbit or will it come back towards the original circle?
One straight-forward test of local stability can be obtained by linearizing (8) and (9) by considering only small disturbances. We can use Tailor's series to expand (8) and (9) and linearize it by neglecting the higher order terms with power greater or equal to 2. Hence we have,
It is clear that Equations (12) and (13) both are equations of a simple harmonic oscillator when
From (8) and (9) we get,
From (4) it is clear that when
To determine these values we have to actually solve the either numerically or analytically. Perhaps there is an analytical solution but I took the easy way out and used Matlab (or octave) to solve them. The differential equations will be stiff (small numerical errors while numerically computing the equation can result in un-controlled error propagation) when